Dear colleagues,

I’m honored to invite you at the B-ORL Annual Congress which will take place on 22nd and 23rd of November 2024 at the Antwerp University Campus, Drie Eiken, Antwerp.
The theme of this meeting is “ENT across the life span”. 

Two broad themes will be covered.

First, there will be dedicated lectures and workshops on ENT disorders encountered in both children and adults.

Secondly, there will be lectures dealing with how we as ENT surgeons change during our career. Attention will be given to barriers we are facing while trying to keep the work-life balance, to the development of an academic career and to the acquisition of new skills in order to guarantee optimal care for our patients.

I’m proud to announce the preliminary programme which I developed together with our local team at the Antwerp University Hospital and with the support of the B-ORL Board. You may find an overview of the programme below.  The detailed preliminary programmewill be announced shortly.

I look forward to welcoming you in Antwerp at the B-ORL Annual Congress.

Kind regards,


Prof. dr. An Boudewyns

President B-ORL

Antwerp University Campus, Drie Eiken, Antwerp
22 November 2024
End date
23 November 2024