In view of the recent evolutions in the corona virus problem, the board of directors of the Royal Belgian ENT Society has again decided to postpone the Spring Meeting, scheduled for 6 and 7 March 2022, to a later date in May. We wish to have this meeting take place in the best possible circumstances.
We are aware that these changes will greatly disrupt your accreditation process. Please take this into account when collecting your points.
We will inform you about a new date in the coming weeks. We will of course inform you of the alternative date as soon as possible. In doing so, we sincerely hope that the pandemic will give us the opportunity to meet again.
We thank you for your understanding,
With collegial greetings,
Dr Frans Indesteege, chairman 2022 of the KBV NKO-HHC
Prof Dr Jean-Baptiste Watelet, Managing Director of the KBV NKO-HHC