Dear colleagues,

Dear friends,

It’s a great honour and even a greater pleasure to invite you to our annual Congress of the Royal Belgian Society of ENT, Head and Neck Surgery on November 25-26, 2022 at the beautiful venue of the old coalmine site “Thor Central” in Genk.  

We believe we offer you a well-balanced congress programme with not only topics in the three classic fields of our specialty but also some interesting speakers enlightening the fast-changing environment in which we will be providing our healthcare.

We will have an ethic session on both congress days, important for your accreditation and

we also have the pleasure to host at the same time the joint congress of the Belgian and Netherland Audiology Societies.

On top of our programme, we hope to meet many of you to discuss the actual issues that matter in our profession of which the new nomenclature and the reorganization of oncology care in ENT seem to be the most important in my opinion.

Lots of reasons thus to meet again!

Download the program here.

Finally, I want to express my gratitude to Prof. Marie-Paule Thill who, as former president of our society in 2021, was a great help and support in organizing this event.

Really looking forward seeing you all in Genk!


Frans Indesteege

President RBS ENT-HNS